FREE Facebook ads, web design + more!
It's that time of year again... For the 7th year in a row, the Done4You Giveaway of the Century is here with DONE-FOR-YOU services and products -- all FREE. And it's open NOW! Get your gifts now! Hosted by Linda Claire Puig and Kim Clausen, this event brings together...
Update on Awesome Things You Won’t Want to Miss
I'm getting so excited for spring and wanted to update you on a few things we've got going on here at Delegated to Done and Deanna Maio Music that could help you grow your business, have more free time, and have more joy. #1. Free Online Seminar 7 Steps to Build a...
Outsourcing Stinks… if you don’t have a plan
If you’ve ever said: “If only I could just hand a marketing plan over to someone and they’d just DO what I wanted them to do instead of trying to explain it – especially when I don’t even understand it myself.” The Read On.